The Compelled to Care team is made up of people who are passionate about foster, adoptive and kinship families because each of them have been personally involved with the foster care system and caring for the vulnerable in different capacities.
The Compelled to Care team is made up of people who are passionate about foster, adoptive and kinship families because each of them have been personally involved with the foster care system and caring for the vulnerable in different capacities.
The Compelled to Care team is made up of people who are passionate about foster, adoptive and kinship families because each of them have been personally involved with the foster care system and caring for the vulnerable in different capacities.
The Compelled to Care team is made up of people who are passionate about foster, adoptive and kinship families because each of them have been personally involved with the foster care system and caring for the vulnerable in different capacities.
The Compelled to Care team is made up of people who are passionate about foster, adoptive and kinship families because each of them have been personally involved with the foster care system and caring for the vulnerable in different capacities.
Compelled to Care is a multi-faceted ministry that was birthed by people who wanted a safe place to be with other people who know what it means to care for kids from hard places. We are less of a support group and more of a community full of imperfect people moving forward as we live out the gospel and care for the vulnerable.
Compelled to Care is a multi-faceted ministry that was birthed by people who wanted a safe place to be with other people who know what it means to care for kids from hard places. We are less of a support group and more of a community full of imperfect people moving forward as we live out the gospel and care for the vulnerable.
Compelled to Care is a multi-faceted ministry that was birthed by people who wanted a safe place to be with other people who know what it means to care for kids from hard places. We are less of a support group and more of a community full of imperfect people moving forward as we live out the gospel and care for the vulnerable.
Compelled to Care is a multi-faceted ministry that was birthed by people who wanted a safe place to be with other people who know what it means to care for kids from hard places. We are less of a support group and more of a community full of imperfect people moving forward as we live out the gospel and care for the vulnerable.
Compelled to Care is a multi-faceted ministry that was birthed by people who wanted a safe place to be with other people who know what it means to care for kids from hard places. We are less of a support group and more of a community full of imperfect people moving forward as we live out the gospel and care for the vulnerable.
Everyone wants to serve foster kids, but sometimes it's hard to know how. There are many ways to serve in Compelled to Care. You can serve at large events, write encouraging cards or even help organize gift drives for foster kids and help organize donations.
Everyone wants to serve foster kids, but sometimes it's hard to know how. There are many ways to serve in Compelled to Care. You can serve at large events, write encouraging cards or even help organize gift drives for foster kids and help organize donations.
Compelled to Care is a multi-faceted ministry that was birthed by people who wanted a safe place to be with other people who know what it means to care for kids from hard places. We are less of a support group and more of a community full of imperfect people moving forward as we live out the gospel and care for the vulnerable.
The Foster Grad Gift Drive was started 10 years ago at Evergreen Christian Community in Olympia to support youth aging out of the foster care system in Thurston County and we love continuing that tradition.
The Foster Grad(uation) Gift Drive is an opportunity to buy graduation gifts for youth who are aging out of the foster care system and graduating from high school.
We are partnering with Evergreen Christian Community and the Extended Foster Care program to celebrate graduating youth in foster care by collecting gift cards and house warming gifts for 8 Thurston County graduates!
Let's work together to make these teens feel honored and celebrated for their great success!
Pick up the gift tags in the Evergreen Christian Community lobby
We will have gift tags in the church lobby Sunday, June 9th and 16th during both gatherings.
Choose a tag with an item off of a graduates wish list, purchase the items then return them on June 23rd in the lobby during both gatherings.
*Gifts can also be dropped off in the ECC Church Office from 8:30am-4:30pm M-Th & before noon on Fridays.
Amazon Wish List
You can purchase items off our Amazon wish list then we will assemble the care packages and deliver them to graduation party hosted by DCYF!
Thank you to our partners
Evergreen Christian Community, the Wishing Well and the local PNW community!