The Compelled to Care team is made up of people who are passionate about foster, adoptive and kinship families because each of them have been personally involved with the foster care system and caring for the vulnerable in different capacities.
The Compelled to Care team is made up of people who are passionate about foster, adoptive and kinship families because each of them have been personally involved with the foster care system and caring for the vulnerable in different capacities.
The Compelled to Care team is made up of people who are passionate about foster, adoptive and kinship families because each of them have been personally involved with the foster care system and caring for the vulnerable in different capacities.
The Compelled to Care team is made up of people who are passionate about foster, adoptive and kinship families because each of them have been personally involved with the foster care system and caring for the vulnerable in different capacities.
The Compelled to Care team is made up of people who are passionate about foster, adoptive and kinship families because each of them have been personally involved with the foster care system and caring for the vulnerable in different capacities.
Compelled to Care is a multi-faceted ministry that was birthed by people who wanted a safe place to be with other people who know what it means to care for kids from hard places. We are less of a support group and more of a community full of imperfect people moving forward as we live out the gospel and care for the vulnerable.
Compelled to Care is a multi-faceted ministry that was birthed by people who wanted a safe place to be with other people who know what it means to care for kids from hard places. We are less of a support group and more of a community full of imperfect people moving forward as we live out the gospel and care for the vulnerable.
Compelled to Care is a multi-faceted ministry that was birthed by people who wanted a safe place to be with other people who know what it means to care for kids from hard places. We are less of a support group and more of a community full of imperfect people moving forward as we live out the gospel and care for the vulnerable.
Compelled to Care is a multi-faceted ministry that was birthed by people who wanted a safe place to be with other people who know what it means to care for kids from hard places. We are less of a support group and more of a community full of imperfect people moving forward as we live out the gospel and care for the vulnerable.
Compelled to Care is a multi-faceted ministry that was birthed by people who wanted a safe place to be with other people who know what it means to care for kids from hard places. We are less of a support group and more of a community full of imperfect people moving forward as we live out the gospel and care for the vulnerable.
Everyone wants to serve foster kids, but sometimes it's hard to know how. There are many ways to serve in Compelled to Care. You can serve at large events, write encouraging cards or even help organize gift drives for foster kids and help organize donations.
Everyone wants to serve foster kids, but sometimes it's hard to know how. There are many ways to serve in Compelled to Care. You can serve at large events, write encouraging cards or even help organize gift drives for foster kids and help organize donations.
Compelled to Care is a multi-faceted ministry that was birthed by people who wanted a safe place to be with other people who know what it means to care for kids from hard places. We are less of a support group and more of a community full of imperfect people moving forward as we live out the gospel and care for the vulnerable.
Compelled to Care family memberships are for current foster, adoptive and kinship families who want a higher level of support and community engagement. Memberships are open to families from any county.
Compelled to Care supports foster, adoptive and kinship families through events, monthly dinners, parent meet-ups, summer playdates, resources, training and online support.
We have many free events, but here is what we offer for members...
Family Dinners are a time to get-together with other current foster, adoptive and kinship families who "get it." These dinners include dinner and childcare. This is a time for parents to connect over a meal and listen to an inspiring speaker. Kids are served a kid friendly meal in their classroom followed by a fun lesson taught from our own kids curriculum.
Here's the Family Dinner and event schedule:
SEPTEMBER 13 - Family Dinner. Open to current foster, adoptive & kinship families, no membership required
The first dinner your family attends is free - even if it's not in September. If you want to continue to attend we ask that you register for a membership. Scholarships are available upon request.
Speaker: Emily Haynes, Special Education Teacher and Foster Mom, will be helping us start the new school year with good routines by showing us how to make routine charts and "this-then-that" charts for our kids to help them move from one task to the next. Supplies will be provided for this hands-on training.
OCTOBER 25 - Pumpkin Patch Bash, Open to all caregivers, New Bridge Community Church, neighbors and friends. No membership required.
NOVEMBER 8 - Parent Night Out, Member Only event
DECEMBER 13 - Gingerbread Bash, Open to all caregivers. No membership required.
DECEMBER 20- Holiday Gift Giveaway for Members & Thurston County Foster Parents
JANUARY 10 - Family Dinner. Speaker: Stacey Klim, Foster Care Program Supervisor, OSPI. Stacey will share about how foster parents can promote educational stability for the youth in their care - Member Only Event.
FEBRUARY 14 - Parent Night Out - Member Only Event
MARCH 14 - Family Dinner- Speaker: Amber Barton, former foster youth and advocate within the Miss America Organization, will be sharing her story of resilience. - Member Only Event
APRIL 11 - Family Dinner - Nathan LaChine, veteran foster parent and founder of Evergreen Caregiver Support, will be sharing his new book: Internet Safety Workbook for kids and he will be sharing strategies about how to keep your kids safe online - Member Only Event
APRIL - Member-Only Easter event
MAY 9 - Family Dinner - Ashley Wambach, Adoptive mom of 7 and Executive Director of Compelled to Care - Member-Only Event
June 13 - Compelled to Care Appreciation for members and volunteers - Member-Only Event
SUMMER​ - FREE Summer events will be posted under the events page
*A separate registration for each event is required the Tuesday before so we can prepare.
We have church response teams that would love to provide child-centered needs while you have kids in your home. Requests go through our Church Ambassador, Cyndi, and she inputs it into CarePortal so that the responders can see it. Responders voluntarily give of their time and resources; therefore, every request may not be met. Every request is delivered to your home by a church response team. (We are in the process of launching CarePortal in Thurston County. It will be launched during the first quarter of this session).
We have generous partners. Sometimes we receive small donations that would serve a smaller group and at other times we receive large donations that can bless the whole community. When we receive smaller donations we will bring them to the family dinners first. At larger giving events we will offer Member Hours before serving the larger foster/adoptive/kinship community.
Stay up-to-date with upcoming events, trainings and opportunities to serve
FALL '24 - SUMMER '25
This session runs September '24- August'25.
This membership is for the whole family - one time. We keep this membership fee relatively low so that all families can engage regardless of their size.
What does the fee go towards?
This fee helps toward the cost of the monthly dinners and events in Thurston County. As a non-profit we receive donations and do fundraising, but there are still costs beyond what we can get donated like food and administrative things like running background checks for childcare volunteers. This membership fee doesn't cover all of our expenses - nor do we want it too. We just use this contribution to help supplement our costs and help with the sustainability of our program.
Are scholarships available?
YES! We do not want the cost of membership to keep families disconnected from monthly family dinners or extra care. Request a scholarship by filling out this short form.