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We are a coalition of leaders from local organizations and private agencies who raise awareness about foster care, encourage people to become foster parents and collaborate on larger efforts to support the caregiver community in WA state.


Virtual and in-person recruitment events

We work together to encourage people to become foster parents through online and in-person recruitment events. 

Social media awareness campaigns

We raise awareness through the We Foster Washington Facebook page with social media campaigns like this one created by a Compelled to Care intern for social worker appreciation...


Support for those going through the licensing process

We provide support for those interested in becoming foster parents through our online Facebook group

We Foster Wa - Becoming a foster parent where we answer questions, host live interviews with leaders and host monthly Q&A's in Facebook Rooms.

Join us

We love collaboration and working with people who want to serve the foster care community. If you are a recruiter, licensor or represent an organization that serves the foster care community email to learn more about how to get involved.

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