"I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me." Philipians 4:13.
This was written by Paul while in prison to encourage the church to continue to run their race. Christ gave him the strength to encourage the church even in the midst of his hard season. The last 5+ months have been hard as we navigate the foster care system, raise a family member or parent our adopted kids with big behaviors - all during quarantine. This is hard stuff. Period. But there is hope.
Through Christ we have the strength to keep running our imperfect and sometimes messy race of caring for vulnerable children. Thankfully, God is not looking for perfect parents who have it all together. He is looking for obedient ones. Keep running your race. Through Christ you can do this. Through Him you have the will to move forward. He will give you the strength to do hard things.
Reposted from Sept. 1, 2020
